That's an excellent example of what the past month has been like. Getting ready for exams and evaluating presentations and debates was immediately followed by marking essays, and grading tests, which was in turn followed by figuring out what to do next term. I managed to squeeze teacher's meetings, sending out Christmas presents and cards, and some time for myself somewhere in there.
I'm pretty excited about the 3rd term for our first years. We're doing a unit on Narrative Writing, so I get to teach them about story arcs. Hopefully, we'll be able to encourage their creativity too. One of the 1-4 teachers is pretty disparaging about their imaginations, but their final skits (advertising an amusement park, restaurant, or tourist attraction) including some interesting ideas. Although there were the rather boring Starbucks and McDonalds, one group advertised 'Sakado Land' and another invented an aquarium with over a million visitors a week. They have creative potential; we just need to give them some space to let it out and experiment with it. The second half of next term will be devoted to the basics of speech writing and giving to help prepare them for 2nd year English Exoression, which focuses on debate. It sounds like a return to boring formulas, but we've tweaked the presentation portion for that to make it a bit more interesting. Hopefully, it works out they way we think it will.
So, tomorrow I'm printing out the workbooks and journals and cleaning and reorganizing my desk to get ready for the break and next term. Speaking of break, I'm headed to Thailand for a week! My friend, Victoria, and I are hitting both Chiang Mai and Bangkok. So that'll be another country off my travel bucket list, as well as a week of warmth before the coldest part of Japan's winter.
I'll end this post with some pictures of what teachers do during finals. Hint: it's mostly sitting at desks and looking at piles of papers.
Preparing a quiz game for the Gaigo (foreign language) Open House. |
Me, all dressed up for the Gaigo Open House. I even got a cool neon arm band, identifying me as a teacher at Sakado High School. Got to impress those junior high kids and their parents! |
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