Saturday, July 26, 2014

3 AM Epiphanies

I have been a ball of anxiety this last...well, week really. Yeah, the last week has been the hardest. I mean, I think I'm allowed. I'm packing up my life and flying/shipping it halfway around the world. Breath. Breathing is good. Deep, slow, steady breaths, like a doctor is checking your lungs for tuberculosis. Which is a thing that still happens. Who knew? But more on that later. Back to the breathing and the anxiety.

Right, so I haven't had the most routine of sleep patterns this week, but it's only the last three days that I've been waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to go back  asleep. I LIKE sleep! So, that just adds a layer of frustration on top of the bundles of nerves and excitement.

So, at 3 am this morning, the morning of my departure, I wake up and go to the bathroom. I run my hands through my hair while on the toilet and regret not taking a shower before I laid down. Then, the most magical of thoughts happened: I am awake. I could take a shower now. So I did. While I was drying my hair, I realized I hadn't used any of my own shower things, 'cause they were all packed up ready to go the next day. I'd used my sister's and the guest stuff. As my sister is fond of saying, "Mind Blown." I didn't really care what sort of products I used, and I had enough in small 3oz bottles to last me a week, which would be plenty of time to figure out local equivalents. So, I got back in my pjs and headed upstairs and proceeded to dig out all the gels, liquids, and aerosols from my soon-to-be checked luggage and replaced that space with my massive collection of DVDs, which I didn't really need in my carry-on, which then, shockingly, had a ton more space. And I felt better. Much better. My checked luggage was probably still going to be overweight, but it was a much more necessary weight, and I was no longer afraid of my carry-ons being rejected for size. Which I didn't even know I was worried about, until I wasn't worried about it anymore. My brain is sneaky like that.

After I took some time to savor that awesome feeling and eat a peach, because hey, it might be 4 am in Illinois, but in Tokyo dinner time was nigh. And I was hungry. And peaches are good. And then I decided I was still awake, and maybe I should get on that blog thing I've been meaning to do.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you sorted out and solved all/most of the dilemmas that were causing/adding to your anxieties. Most of the family was able to recoup their missed sleep when you were up during your pre-flight early morning forays.
